5 Tips for Easy Hacking WiFi Hotspot


5 Tips for Easy Hacking WiFi Hotspot

Who does not want to get free unlimited internet access. Of course everyone wants to access unlimited internet, without having to purchase their own internet quota. In order to get free internet access, many people end up hack Wifi hotspots in various ways. Way? Check out some of the tips below!

5 Wifi Hotspot Hacking Tips

See 5 ways to hack wifi hotspot easily and quickly below!

1. Hacking Wifi Hostpot using Wzcook

The first way you can do is to use Wzcook. one of these applications, can get into hotspots provided security to the type of WPA / PSK WPAE. Wzcock could only run on computers with Windows operating systems. So, make sure your computer has a Windows operating system, if you want to use this application.


• Turn on wifi on your computer.
• Download application Wzcook, install, and open the application.
• Select wifi inserted and locked. If wifi ask you to enter a password, then leave.
• Wait for a while, until the program wzcock.exe successfully portraying password entry.
• When wzcock.exe have finished processing, full wifi password list is displayed.
• Once you see the list of names and passwords wifi, copy and move them in the C: folder /wepkeys.txt.
• Next, you can open the file (wepkeys.txt). Name your wifi password hack WEP KEY located on the line. You can describe the password with the site description.
• Next, you can enter a password in the fields hotspot asks for a password. Then click "Connect".

Now you can enjoy free internet hotspot although the owner is protected by a password.

2. Hacking Hotspot with Dumpper and Jumpstart

Before hacking, first download Dumpper and Jumpstart application, and two supporting applications, WinPCap and Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5. Remember that Dumpper and Jumpstart hacking software will not run if you have not installed the above two supporting applications.

If the four software has been downloaded and installed on your computer, follow these steps:

• Uninstall the antivirus installed on your computer equipment.
• First, open Dumpper software that you have installed. Dumpper has the appearance of Pascal program with a blue background.
• Then, click Networking - Network Adapter - click the scan button.
• Software will scan. Wait until the scanning process is completed.
• After completing the scanning process, you can see the results appear hotspot information that you will make the target.
• Next, click on the software menu Dumpper WPS, then click scan.
• Wait for the scan to complete the WPS process. Next will appear on the network information available hotspots. You also can view the signal strength of each network, so you can select the hotspot with a strong signal.
• After determining wifi hotspot that you want, and then click Jumpstart button and wait a while until the scanning process is completed.
• Jumpstart will process a password hacking.
• If successful, a blue check mark will appear. Meanwhile, if the hacking process is not successful, a red cross will appear.

Why did it fail? This hack failure can be caused by Jumpstart does not support the type or brand of router or it could be caused by poor network signal, causing the signal to be interrupted during the hacking process. That is why it is advisable to select the best signal strength.

If the process you can directly click Finish. Hotspot / Wifi automatically connects and you can enjoy free internet.

3. Hacking Wifi Hotspot dengan Wifi Master Key

You can also log into a wifi hotspot by using Wifi Master Key. With this application you can enjoy free internet access by breaking into a password-protected wifi.


• Download and install the application on top of your smartphone.
• Once the application is installed on your smartphone device, go to the application Wifi Master Key.
• Then select "Enable Wifi, Scan for hotspots". Do not forget to change the setting Enable Wifi to "On".
• The application will ask for permission to access, you have to do is click "Allow all". Then select "Do it now".
• Wait a moment, because this application is requesting permission to access the location of the device.
• Wifi Master Key will ask for the location of your device, you simply choose the "Allow" option.
• Application Wifi Master Key will display a list of wifi you can choose from.
• Select the name of Wifi with status "Safe and Internet Connection". Then click "Connect".
• Wait for the process of connecting devices with internet access.
• Once inflated, you can enjoy free internet connection to your heart's content.

4. Hacking Wifi Hotspot with Command Prompt (CMD)

You can get free internet access at hotspots breaking through CMD.

how to:

• Open a CMD program on your kompoter. How: click the window + R. Then, fill in "cmd" and then "enter".
• If CMD is open, type the command "netsh wlan show profiles". Press enter.
• Then CMD will display information about the wifi network. Continue by typing "netsh wlan show profiles name = (fill in the name you want to hack wifi) key = clear.
• Next CMD will be featuring a wifi password from wifi name you requested. To name a wifi network, replace it with the name you want to hack wifi.
• Now, you can enjoy internet access you want.

5. Hacking Wifi Hotspot with Wifi Hack online

Finally, you can hack wifi through an online site. How:

• Visit the website wifi hacking, https://www.wi-fihacker.com/download/
• Once the page opens, you will find the forms you have to fill.
• Fill out the "Enter SSID name" column with the name of the Wifi network you want to hack. Then fill in the fields below with the device you're using, for example with Android or Windows.
• If everything is filled in, click "Next"
• Your food will be taken to a page that asks you to fill in the data, such as user proxy.
• After filling it, then click "Hack".
• Wait a moment, because the system is running and processing.
• If the complete and successful, the words "success" will appear
• Now you can enjoy the Internet to your heart's content.

It's easy, is not it? That's 5 ways to hack wifi hotspot easily and quickly. Good luck.