How to Create a ZIP File and Extract Files in Termux


How to Create a ZIP File and Extract Files in Termux


You have many files and many documents, we usually convert all files into the ZIP format, making it easier in the delivery process and file is not lagging behind or error, it is very important to file in termux, if one file is lost then program can not work, so I give a tutorial on How to Create a ZIP file and How to Extract the ZIP file on termux android.

ZIP files are so very important that all the files and folders can be compressed properly, this is important if you create a program, if one of the files is missing, the program may not run and cause errors, so it is necessary to compress files in the file.

Files in ZIP and RAR format can also reduce the size of the program file or files, such as files and documents of 10 GB if uncompressed, the file size will be down to 5GB.

What is ZIP Extract in termux

Extract the ZIP in termux application, for the same process as excavations in the file manager or in the rar application, we compress all the files you want to extract and create a file format

This is necessary to send a file or program that the error does not occur and reduce the file size.

What is ZIP or RAR format

Zip and Rar compressed file format that allows multiple files to be collected into a smaller size.

Format Zip and Rar can make it easier to transfer your files in a single package. and also can reduce the size so that the smaller and lighter.

Detailed tutorials on how to create a ZIP file and extract files on android termux

in this case I focus tutorial tutorial on how to open the ZIP file in termux, how to install the zip file in termux and compress files in termux.

In termux extract Zip is very easy. You just need to type the command unzip command code + filename.

Example of unzipping collections .zip

 How to create Zip files Termux

so you can easily learn Termux, for those of you who feel a beginner must first learn how to use Termux. and basic code Termux command. For those who do not go forward, just go to the tutorial.

Before installing the repository zip, make sure you've updated your termux so that there are no mistakes.

  • Open the application termux
  • Enter the code below basic commands such as this in order to

pkg update
pkg upgrade
pkg install zip
pkg install unzip 

  • Enter into the folder you want to compress
  • Next, we just need to name the Zip file with the name we want. And to make it we can use the command:

example zip command code filename

example of using zip

How to Extract the ZIP (unzip) in termux

if you want to extract the files to a ZIP or RAR format in termux application, you can also use the command code below,

- pkg install unzip

- then look for the zip format file

To see all the files ls press for example, there is a file with the name of a collection of young people, to extract the zip file, enter the following command:

unzip (filename) zip

So tutorial Creating and Extracting ZIP files ZIP File very easy, is not it ?. To check whether a Zip file actually successfully created