Library and Package That Must be Installed in Termux


Library and Package That Must be Installed in Termux


The Termux package, like in other operating systems, we need certain applications such as notepad etc, in the Termux application, we also need what is called the Reposite package (Additional Reposite package) or usually called the library in termux.

For Applications Termux using the Linux operating system (Debian / Ubuntu), we need to download additional applications (Reposite) to be run properly and smoothly, for example Reposite package nano, an application to edit the file, the window system such as Notepad application / editor

All activities Installing the termux package / library, we must enter the command pkg install (followed by the package name). for example install pacakge python.

can type apt-get install python or pkg install python 

 if you have installed the Termux package,we don't need to do it if you have installed the package again.

What is the Termux Package 

The Termux Package is a Library grouping specific applications and organizing interface classes into a single unit in the library. Package also affects the access rights mechanism to the classes in it.

Termux package is often called a reposite or library or also a complement to termux.

for example, we want to run a python or php file, we need to install the python and php repoite libraries by installing the python and php package names.

After all the packages must be installed, you only need to enter the git clone command every time you clone the termux script. This can speed up your activities. Because in general, the scripts in Termux use this package. Here are the most commonly used termux packages:

The package must be installed in the termux application

The following is the package name (library) which is often installed for the first time when installing the Termux application, you need to install the package below.

  • Command code Install Package package termux: pkg install [package name]
  • Remove package Command code: pkg uninstall [package name]
  • Command code List all packages: pkg list-all

How to Install Termux Package

pkg install python
pkg install php
pkg install nano
pkg install git
pkg install wget
pkg install toilet
pkg install curl
pkg installl jq
pkg install git 
pkg install clone

Actually there are many other packages that are important. But the package above is enough to be used for beginners.

Additional Information for Termux package name

Don't forget to update and upgrade the package name that you have installed, such as in applications, packages must be updated frequently at least once a month, to get better performance.

Command code (command line) for updating and upgrading the termux (apt update package & apt upgrade -y)