Flightradar24 APK Download for Android Free 2022


Flightradar24 APK Download for Android Free 2022


Maybe we've all felt the name of being one of the passengers on one of the airlines, but not all can be passengers, right? Not all have the financial ability to be able to buy tickets, to fly from one region to another. Have you ever wanted to try accessing an airplane route? However, it feels like this can only be done by one of the staff at the airport. Because indeed, they have a tracking device that can be used to view the route of an airplane. 

However, along with the development of increasingly sophisticated technology. For those of you who're interested, you can easily track your plane routes using your Android devices only. You do this by using an application called Flightradar24.

Flightradar24 is an application specifically designed to provide real-time flight information. With this app, then you can track the route of the plane more easily using a smart phone. Interesting isn't it?

Of course, you can use this according to personal needs. For more details, here are some interesting advantages of Flightradar24, check out the review below!

Features and Advantages of Flightradar24

Flightradar24 seems to be one of the unique applications that you should try, this application offers the advantage of being an application that is able to provide information directly, regarding the route of the aircraft you are tracking.

Flightradar24 provides a lot of information to meet your usage needs, including being able to display the altitude of the aircraft, destination area, flight number, type of aircraft, and much more. Of course, you will be given complete and real information.

Flightradar24 service is online-based, meaning you can use it by connecting directly to the internet. Interestingly, all of its features can be used for free with no subscription.

For more details, here are some other interesting advantages of the unique Flightradar24 application, see below:

Real-Time Information

All the information you will get at Flightradar24 is direct information, meaning you will get real-time information. Made by several experts who have experience in the world of aviation, the information provided will be very accurate.

FAA Source

The FAA source is a data source whose source comes from the United States Aviation Administration. Where you can access the aircraft's enclosed space more easily, even outside the zone of the area you live in.


This is one of the fairly new features, which uses GPS to get aircraft information. With the transmission and receipt of accurate GPS data, aircraft information can be accessed on ground GPS.

Download Flightradar24 Apk Latest

Flightradar24 provides very complete information to meet your needs, ranging from aircraft speed, flight height, place and origin of destination, path, flight number, to the type of flight.

Flightradar24 is a unique app designed to be able to provide accurate information about the aircraft you are tracking. Equipped with advanced capabilities and features, this application will provide up-to-date information through tracking using GPS. You can get the latest Flightradar24 download link below: