Some time ago, WhatsApp provided support for new features on Android by releasing sticker management, giving access to users to be able to create their own stickers quickly and easily of course. Users can easily upload images and create their own stickers WITHOUT the need to use Third Party on iOS and Android.
This convenience is again provided by WhatsApp in the Windows 11 version, who would have thought that the same features were also given to desktop version users. The latest update released by WhatsApp in the Microsoft Store brings many improvements and one of them is stickers, besides that desktop users are also now given access to be able to choose the audio input / output & camera they use in Windows 11.
According to an explanation from Windows Latest, WhatsApp users can now choose when they want to use the camera or even which audio system, from a PC or from a headset or even from the TWS they use. This all depends on what In/output is currently connected in the Windows 11 system.
In the latest version of WhatsApp, rolling out via the Microsoft Store to select people, you can finally choose your audio output/input device and camera. By default, WhatsApp uses your default system audio or camera device. For example, if your PC's default audio device is your speaker, WhatsApp will use your speakers.
This experience is not necessarily what you want all the time. Sometimes, you might want to use your wireless headphones or speaker for output and a wired mic for input. To help you quickly change your settings, Facebook is adding a new "Voice & Video" setting to WhatsApp for Windows.
For those of you who might be a little confused, here's what it looks like when you select In/Audio output from WhatsApp in Windows 11: